
Easy Easing Keyframes

Closed this issue · 6 comments

right click a keyframe to choose the easing method which then is represented by a different keyframe icon. this is pretty quick and one does not always need to see the curve to do most of the easing tasks.

in the picture you see from left to right. EaseOut, Linear, EasyEase, EaseIn...very readable.

again, this would speed up editing a lot.

are you familiar with the way the Duration timeline does this?
it seems to me thats different than AE does it, right?

with Duration you specify the transition/tween between one kf and the next while with AE you specify the in/out ease behavior of one keyframe.

thoughts on this?

i'm used to AE. i'd say you could do it both way. i 'dont see any reason why one way is better than the other. maybe there are more AE / Premiere users than duration users out there...

i have currently a timeline heavy project to do and have an easing problem....so worth mentioning. in old timeline you can only set cubic easing which gets applied to IN and OUT. but i can't just say IN and do Linear on OUT.

if you want to do smooth animations you need more options here or even bezier handles to have more control. anyway, setting IN / OUT Easing would help a lot

but so i guess in AE when setting easeIn you only get a default cubic-easeIn. no questions asked, no options offered. if that is not enough, take to the handles?!
but you don't have all the default ease-options Duration offers?

that's right....default cubic easein/out/easyease via context menu. if you fancy more control, you can switch to the graph view of a track and have handles. if duration offers more default tweening options, it doesnt hurt to add them.

this is the AE graph view, not used often but very powerful

ok. so with 7d855c3 you get an initial implementation of default ease-in/out for keyframes. select a keyframe and press E to toggle through the three modes: easeIN, easeOUT, easeINOUT, NOease

note that in collapsed view the icons may not be updated correctly. press F5 to update them.