
Add FFT-Node with complex-number output for resynthesis with IFFT-Node

LauerViolence opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be great to have a Version of the FFT-Node that doesn´t internally convert the transformed Buffer to decibel-measaurements but instead keeps it as is, so a modification of the values and subsequent resynthesis back to Time-Domain is possible. This would be great for custom filters, convolutions...

joreg commented

if you know how to do this, please feel free to add this and create a pull-request

Alright, I will, do you prefer having a separate FFT-Node for this task or should i include it in the existing one?

sorry for the lack of results in the last months, just wanted to say that I started a new Job and didn´t find time to continue with this, so you don´t wonder where it went, but I´ll take it up again some day