gRPC client/server Microservice

A Client-Server gRPC Microservice with Java(spring-boot)

RPC implementation/Type

  1. Unary RPC: the client sends a single request and receives a single response.
  2. Server streaming RPC: the client sends a single request; in return, the server sends a stream of messages.
  3. Client streaming RPC: the client sends a stream of messages, and the server responds with a single message.
  4. Bidirectional streaming RPC: in bidirectional streaming, both the client and server send a stream of messages.

install dependencies

    ~/proto$ mvn install
    ~/grpc-client$ mvn install
    ~/grpc-server$ mvn install

Compile .proto file

This will generate proto buff client binding for java

    ~/proto$ mvn comiple

.proto compile/build help

run server/client application

     ~/grpc-client$ mvn spring-boot:run
    ~/grpc-server$ mvn spring-boot:run

Client Endpoints
