
Using images.

aykaramba opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to use images in Sketch on Linux and the rectangle fill renders out weird. I am looking for clues as to what might be causing this issue from anyone here in the community.


(defsketch tutorial
    ((title "line")
     (width 400)
     (height 400))
     (background +orange+)
     (with-pen (make-pen :stroke +red+ :weight 1 :fill (load-resource "mia.png")) 
               (rect 50 30 200 113)))

Here is what Sketch renders:


Here is the source image:



  1. I tried creating a rectangle of the same size as the image @ 200 x 113 px but the weird artifacting still happens regardless.

  2. This happens on Linux machines with AMD and Intel gpus.

  3. I am using latest Debian everything and latest Sketch pull.

Does anyone have any thought son why this might be happening? What might be the fix?


Do you have the most recent version? This looks like one of the issues that was fixed with #55
You may need to do (ql:update-all-dists) to get a more recent version. After doing that I'm seeing the version of sketch as sketch-20221106-git (from (ql:system-apropos-list "sketch"))

To keep up to date, you can also clone this repo into ~/.quicklisp/local-projects

Oh! You are absolutely correct. I thought I was using the latest code. Huh.

Okay issue is resolved, thank you very much for that!