
(type-of (lambda (a) (print a))) ; -> 1. Expected 16

FrankC01 opened this issue · 5 comments

Not recognizing a function vs. a list

This breaks (fnc? ...)

vygr commented

Yes I can see the issue. Fnc? Is just checking if the object is an instance of a built in function or complied function as it where ! And a Lisp Lambda is really just a list !

Is there any plan to either implement some support for type information? Registering type tester's would be a nice advantage to things like (env? _), (props? _), (hmap? _), etc.

It would seem a TYPE_SERVICE hierarchy could be genned at run-time or JIT time. We could also spit it out in a compilation pass and doctor it up for loading. The Service could provide the tree maintenance and persist to extend at run time with a write back file store?

vygr commented

Agreed we need a shake up on the type info stuff !

In the mean time I propose we add these 2 calls to boot.inc.

(defun-bind fun? (_)
	(and (lst? _) (> (length _) 0) (eql (elem 0 _) 'lambda)))

(defun-bind macro? (_)
	(and (lst? _) (> (length _) 0) (eql (elem 0 _) 'macro)))

To enable us to things like this.

(defun-bind boot-fncs ()
	(defq out (list) e (penv))
	(while (penv e) (setq e (penv e)))
	(each (lambda ((k v))
		(if (fnc? v) (push out k))) (tolist e))
	(sort cmp out))

(defun-bind boot-funs ()
	(defq out (list) e (penv))
	(while (penv e) (setq e (penv e)))
	(each (lambda ((k v))
		(if (fun? v) (push out k))) (tolist e))
	(sort cmp out))

(defun-bind boot-macros ()
	(defq out (list) e (penv))
	(while (penv e) (setq e (penv e)))
	(each (lambda ((k v))
		(if (macro? v) (push out k))) (tolist e))
	(sort cmp out))
vygr commented

pushed these additions.