
WYSIWYG interface builder

paul-hammant opened this issue · 6 comments

Ref: https://paulhammant.com/2013/03/28/interface-builders-alternative-lisp-timeline/

The solution would load (say) https://github.com/vygr/ChrysaLisp/blob/master/apps/calculator/app.lisp into the designer tool, swapping (import "gui/lisp.inc") for (import "gui_designer/lisp.inc") on load. And load is execute in a suitable context

On save, it does the reverse. All inlined lisp that's not recognized Ui stuff is preserved as it if it can. Clearly it suits apps where logic has been hived off from the lisp that's focussed on pseudo-declarative layout of widgets (etc).

vygr commented

I'd be quite happy to have such and app only work on an .inc that defined the GUI tree for the app.

The app would (import "my_ui.inc") and then carry on... no need to make the WISIWIG editor have to deal with anything other than the pure ui building macros and functions.

It would also move things to a more modular source layout for apps, and I'm all in favour of that.

Also it lends itself to having a library of composite/high level widgets that are (import )able by any app. ?

Sounds great. For full application makers in particular. I've nudged Denison "Denny" Bolay as to this repo/issue. Fingers crossed. He might know who owns the IP for that InterfaceBuider precursor that Apple didn't opt for.

vygr commented

I'm thinking this is on my list after the Editor app work is done ?

You need a mobilization of Lispers and more, I think.

vygr commented

If I'm destined to plug away on my own forever so be it :)

vygr commented

Somthing is coming in this ! Soonish.