
reload definitions in lisp

TheFausap opened this issue · 3 comments


I wrote some functions in an .inc file and I am able to load it with the import command in a lisp session.
The problem is, if I modify something in the existing functions or add some new defun in the inc file, even if I run the import command again, the new added defun or the changes are not loaded in the existing lisp session.
I have to exit from lisp and run it again. So i can import the new modified inc file.

Is this an expected behavior?


vygr commented

Can I confirm what went wrong?

I must admit I don't tend to re import files. The issue here is that import, check in boot.inc, keeps a list of what files have been imported already.

So re importing will think you all ready did.

Does this sound like the issue ?



vygr commented

Sorry it took 22 hours to notice this post :(

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