
No Match found

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Prompt No Match found after app login,why?

I created AuthGuard (implementing CanActivate). After logging out, I am redirected back to the keycloak login form, then I am redirected to the application where I receive the same error "No Match found" and all requests are unauthorized. After turning the application off and on, everything works fine until I log out.

I had the same problem. It seems related to the deeplink (ad documented here ionic-team/ionic-plugin-deeplinks#77 ), apparently the observable it's unsubscribed after the first call.

In my project I modified the init method in the deep-link.service into something like this. It's working, even if it's just a workaround.

init() {
    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
      if (window['cordova']) {
        const dl = window['IonicDeeplink'];
            (match) => {
              // match.$route - the route we matched, which is the matched entry from the arguments to route()
              // match.$args - the args passed in the link
              // match.$link - the full link data
            (nomatch) => {
              // nomatch.$link - the full link data

Not the prettiest of the solutions. I hope it helps

I had the same error, but for me the keycloak was the problem ... i got an XML Request error and cors from it ... are u sure u configurated keycloak correctly ?

I created AuthGuard (implementing CanActivate). After logging out, I am redirected back to the keycloak login form, then I am redirected to the application where I receive the same error "No Match found" and all requests are unauthorized. After turning the application off and on, everything works fine until I log out.

Same problem. If I click register first and login after that, it works again. Did you find a solution?

Hello, Did you find a solution?

Nope, just removed it from my project. But it's not very difficult to program this yourself I believe.