
Build Pallet Screen. Save more in Pallet Box record

jocassid opened this issue · 1 comments

Here's the scenario as Travis describes it:

I added a few boxes to a pallet using the main build pallet screens, then went back to the manual pallet menu to see how it displayed. I discovered that the main build pallet screen was adding the box to the pallet box records, but was not filling in the product or expiration date until the pallet complete is selected. This can be a problem because if one person starts a pallet, then leaves, another person cannot pick up where the first person left off

This behaviour isn't surprising. When the box is scanned the product and expiration dates are unknown. If the user fills in product and expiration date and clicks the "Pallet complete" the product and expiration date information is saved in the database. To allow a user to partially complete a pallet and then leave it and pick it up later we need an additional mechanism. One thought would be to have a save button, but the user has to remember to click it. I'm thinking of adding an on-change event handler that would update the record in the database whenever a field changes.

Scenario and comments from Travis' original email:

I added a few boxes to a pallet using the main build pallet screens, then went back to the manual pallet menu to see how it displayed. I discovered that the main build pallet screen was adding the box to the pallet box records, but was not filling in the product or expiration date until the pallet complete is selected. This can be a problem because if one person starts a pallet, then leaves, another person cannot pick up where the first person left off. I second concern is that two people cannot work together to check in all the boxes on a new pallet. A third concern is that a person cannot switch back and forth between two pallets while they are filling up. Is this a limitation that we need to document? Please share your thoughts about this.

If an on-change event handler or a save button is appropriate to save the data to the pallet_box record, then so be it.

If it would be simpler, perhaps the "Scan a Box" button and the two links "Select another pallet" and "Return to main page" could be overloaded to save any previous box data? Would that be easier?

Ideally the solution would include functionality to:

  • Allows someone to stop working on a pallet and resume work later.
  • Allows someone else to resume work on a pallet started by someone else.
  • Allows multiple people to work on separate pallets.
  • Allows multiple people to work on the same pallet.

However, current functionality is sufficient for initial production.