Clicking a row causes NullReferenceException
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I create my columns programmatically. WHen clicking a row an unhandled nullref exception is thrown
Steps to Reproduce:
- Add a tableview:
<tableView:TableView x:Name="TableView" xmlns:tableView="using:WinUI.TableView"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" Background="White" />
- Generate columns in code-behind and assign itemssource.
- Run and click on a row.
Expected behavior:
No crash.
- Package Version:
- WinAppSDK Version:
It might be worth turning on null annotations for the project to catch these (and remember that all dependency properties that aren't value types can potentially be null so add ? to those too.
Thank you, @dotMorten, for your feedback and suggestions. Regrettably, I am not encountering any exceptions when adding columns from the code behind, regardless of whether I set the ItemsSource before or after.
I appreciate your recommendation to make dependency properties nullable and will proceed to refactor the code accordingly.
Could be because I'm also using converters. I wasn't getting a good callstack - I don't think you have any source linked symbol packages that would give be better stack traces?
Correct, source link isn't available.
I tried to use converters but that wasn't helpful. It would be great if you could upload a small app where the exception can be seen.