
[Feature request] NSFW info as API param or image metadata

Opened this issue · 2 comments

czzs commented

Hello @w-e-w,

I know that there is a separate API endpoint, but is there an easy way to receive the NSFW info in an existing (img2img or txt2img) API call?

Right now you will get the censored images, but it would be great to get the info as an API param or maybe inserted as metadata.

Any idea for that?

Thanks in advance

so I'm guessing you wish to receive the detective coordinates and the confidence and label type?

I would need to separate out the parsing of the output from the drawing of the mask to
currently the way I have implemented basically it's integrated inside

the processing of the output is in this block of code

def calculate_censor_mask(self, detection_results, img_size, thresholds, expand_horizontal, expand_vertical, nms_threshold, nudenet_nsfw_censor_mask_shape, rectangle_round_radius):
Generate binary mask from detection results of nudenet filtered and adjusted based on label_configs
detection_results: nudenet output
img_size: (width, height) original image width
nms_threshold: float [0, 1] Non-Maximum Suppression threshold for cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes
Returns: PIL binary mask
# if self.thresholds is None:
# self.refresh_label_configs()
# [x_center, y_center, box_width, box_height, score_0, score_2, ..., score_16, score_17]
outputs = np.transpose(np.squeeze(detection_results[0]))
# get a bool array all boxes with its max score greater than the defined threshold of its category
filter_results = np.max(outputs[:, 4:], axis=1) > thresholds[np.argmax(outputs[:, 4:], axis=1)]
if np.any(filter_results):
draw_func = mask_shapes_func_dict[nudenet_nsfw_censor_mask_shape]
if draw_func is None:
# just return a mask for the entire image
return Image.new('1', img_size, 1)
image_mask = Image.new('1', img_size, 0)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image_mask)
verbose = ''
max_score_indices = np.argmax(outputs[:, 4:], axis=1)
detection_results = outputs[filter_results]
boxes = detection_results[:, :4]
scores = detection_results[:, 4:][np.arange(detection_results.shape[0]), max_score_indices[filter_results]]
class_index = max_score_indices[filter_results]
# convert detected box coordinates (x_center, y_center, box_width, box_height) to (x_1, y_1, box_width, box_height)
boxes[:, 0:2] -= boxes[:, 2:4] / 2
# Non-Maximum Suppression
if nms_threshold < 1:
nms = NMSBoxes(boxes, scores, 0, nms_threshold)
boxes = boxes[nms]
scores = scores[nms]
class_index = class_index[nms]
# scale to original image width
offset = abs(img_size[0] - img_size[1]) / 2
if img_size[0] > img_size[1]:
factor = img_size[0] / self.input_width
boxes *= factor
boxes[:, 1] -= offset
factor = img_size[1] / self.input_height
boxes *= factor
boxes[:, 0] -= offset
wh_e = boxes[:, 2:4] * np.vstack((expand_horizontal[class_index], expand_vertical[class_index])).T
boxes[:, 0:2] -= (wh_e - boxes[:, 2:4])/2
# x1y1x2y2
boxes[:, 2:4] = boxes[:, 0:2] + wh_e
boxes = boxes.round()
for i in range(scores.shape[0]):
x1y1x2y2 = boxes[i]
wh = wh_e[i]
draw_func(draw, *x1y1x2y2, *wh, rectangle_round_radius)
if shared.opts.nudenet_nsfw_censor_verbose_detection:
verbose += (
f'\n{nudenet_labels_friendly_name[class_index[i]]}: score {scores[i]}, x1 {x1y1x2y2[0]} y1 {x1y1x2y2[1]}, w {wh[0].round()} h {wh[1].round()}, x2 {x1y1x2y2[2]} y2 {x1y1x2y2[3]}'
if verbose:
return image_mask

Bump. Great library btw