
change focused window border color?

jeremiahwright opened this issue · 5 comments

is it possible to change the color of the border? i find the red border distracting and would like if it could be black like when a window is unfocused.


you can compile the xcode project yourself and change the border size, and color for active/inactive windows

Any update on this? It's kind of funny to think that there's still no solution for this other than to edit source and compile.

@jeremiahwright @ErraticFox

If you're not looking to edit/recompile, window managers like chunkwm/kwm can achieve this. Their primary function is to offer tiling, but you could set your windows to float/behave as normal and just adjust the colours/width in the config files.

Since I got the confused react, I'll explain how I change the colors.

git clone the repo, and open up the xcode project file in xcode. In winbuddy.m, toward the bottom of the document, you'll see "[NSColor blackcolor]" and "[NSColor redcolor]". Those are what you wanna change. Figure out which colors you want the inactive, and active window borders to be, and use color snapper to 'pick' them, with command+alt+c i think. Use what color snapper gives you for "ObjC NSColor RGB", something like "[NSColor colorWithSRGBRed:0.173 green:0.176 blue:0.149 alpha:1.000]" Red color is the active window border, and black color is inactive, replace those. Also you can find "border width" somewhere in that document, change that to whatever you want. In xcode choose "build for running" and then find your new bundle in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData, and put that into your simbl folder.

Is it possible to have border.borderColor read from a config file? That would make it possible to have dynamic border colors for those who use system wide colorschemes