Difference between this and google/fonts?
samatjain opened this issue · 7 comments
Google just created a new fonts repository, with a goal very similar to this one:
The size between this repo and Google's is nearly identical; do you know the differences between theirs? Will this repository continue to be updated?
Google's repo is only 4 days old..
This repo is a few years old, the initial commit was 4 Aug 2012
But otherwise, there's no difference. Both repos provides the .ttf
files for every font, and a METADATA.json
with the font imformation, like designer etc.
@w0ng Thanks for sharing, You could also make a popular google fonts repo, < 50 mb, That would be useful.
Also, The current download size is 198 MB, But mentioned as 100 MB in Readme, could be better if you put exact size to avoid ambiguity.
The code.google.com hg repo will eventually go away, as the whole google code hosting site is being shut down this year; the future home is that git repo
I can't believe Google nuked the project history. I first mirrored that in 2010, so there's at least 5 years of commits and development they just decided to willfully erase.
Official Github Repo is Live Now? https://github.com/google/fonts
Please use the official repo: https://github.com/google/fonts
The original intention of this repo was to serve as a workaround for:
It was purely a clone of Google's hg repo to serve the binary files without the source files.
Now that there is an official Google binary fonts repo, we don't need a workaround anymore!
I've deleted all the contents here, since it serves no benefit to anyone.
Everyone should start following/starring https://github.com/google/fonts instead.