
A simple script that adds your train tickets booked on 12306.cn to Google Calendar

Primary LanguagePython


A simple script that adds your train tickets booked on 12306.cn to Google Calendar

A user script version is available at here.


  1. Install the requirements (icalendar, pytz, requests) with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run with python3 12306cal.py begin_station end_station yyyy-mm-dd train_id.
Usage: 12306cal.py [options] begin_station end_station yyyy-mm-dd train_id

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEAT, --seat=SEAT  specify the booked seat which will be displayed as '@
                        SEAT' after the title of an event
  -x, --no-browser      do not open the browser automatically
  -o FILE, --ical=FILE  write to an ical file


python3 12306cal.py bjn shhq 2019-05-01 G1 -s 08-08A
python3 12306cal.py bjn shhq 2019-05-01 G1 -s 08-08A -o G1.ics

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