[To Discuss] Credential terminology
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(Source: Anthony Camilleri) Terminology: “credential”
- CTDL & VC seem to define 'credential' differently.
- VC defines credential as containing a claim about a subject.
- CTDL is for describing course standards, instances of courses.
- We would do a service if as part of VC Ed modelling we distinguish these concepts, namely:
- educational specification/standard > instantiation of the specification as a course > credential issued to student for following the course
CTDL is for describing course standards, instances of courses.
CTDL is Credential Transparency Description Language; it descibes credentials, but by credential means an educational or occupational credential (a.k.a qualification)
Thank you @philbarker and @kimdhamilton. CTDL is applicable in minimally these ways, it provides rich descriptions of credentials ranging from badges to degrees, see a types list here showing the credential subclasses https://credreg.net/page/typeslist along with related competencies, learning opportunities, assessments, and numerous other types of information. It is applicable to the schema for identifying types of educational and occuptional credentials and decribing them, their competencies, offerer, etc.. It is also relevant for wallets to point to descriptions in the Credential Registry that a user sees either via the wallet interface or through a link to the resource seen in the Credential Finder. The URI can be to the machine actionable JSON LD documents or the resource in the Finder. The CTDL full schema is here https://credreg.net.