
Does not accept ActivityStream 2.0 documents

indrora opened this issue · 0 comments

ActivtyStreams 2 defined a set of incompatibilities between AS2 and AS1. Notably:

  • When processing Activity Streams 1.0 documents and converting those to 2.0, implementations ought to treat id as an alias for the JSON-LD @id key word; and the objectType and verb properties as aliases for the JSON-LD @type keyword.
  • In Activity Streams 1.0, the "post" verb was defined to describe the action of both creating an object and "posting" or uploading it to a service. This specification replaces the "post" verb with separate Create and Add Activity types. When processing Activity Streams 1.0 documents and converting those into 2.0, implementations SHOULD treat instances of the " post" verb as equivalent to Create if there is no target property specified; and equivalent to Add if there is a target property specified.

The first one is a big pain: While AS2 parsers should be able to handle AS1 content that this produces (using @id and @type), this needs data put into it to be massaged into an AS1 document (using @id instead of id, etc) or it chokes.