

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I can't see changelog and theres nothing in releases, are the differences between version noted anywhere?

And/or tags for releases

This spec is not yet a CR, so it is pretty much a live document without versioning or releases. The only changelog is the git commit history.

@szager-chromium it would be helpful to have a changelog for the polyfill npm package, which just published version 0.11.0, that categories the changes by things like breaking change, new feature, bugfix, etc. This would help folks know what to look out for when updating.

While it’s not as good as a proper CHANGELOG.md, here is a list of the commits between v0.10.0 and v0.11.0.


I would consider these changes semver minor. Here’s my version of a v0.11.0 CHANGELOG.md:

0.11.0 (Jun 23, 2020)

  • Minor: Adds x & y values to entry.rootBounds, entry.boundingClientRect, & entry.intersectionRect in IE (#423)
  • Minor: Supports the polyfill being loaded from an iframe (#436)