
EO comments: In the Introduction, add a 1-3 sentences that introduces the relevance for cognitive accessibility and points to the following

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This issue split from #199 -3
In the Introduction, add a 1-3 sentences that introduces the relevance for cognitive accessibility and points to the following (with their potential updates from the COGA TF):
• The Business Case for Digital Accessibility https://www.w3.org/WAI/business-case/
• Older Users and Web Accessibility https://www.w3.org/WAI/older-users/
In the Introduction, add a 1-3 sentences introduction that points to the following (with their updates from the COGA TF):
• Cognitive and learning disabilities section of Diverse Abilities and Barriers in How People with Disabilities Use the Web https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/abilities-barriers/#cognitive
• (maybe) Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/accessibility-usability-inclusion/
. In the Introduction, add a 1-3 sentences that introduces the relevance for cognitive accessibility and points to the following (with their potential updates from the COGA TF):
• Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning/involving-users/
• Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility https://www.w3.org/WAI/test-evaluate/involving-users/
• (and maybe Planning and Managing Web Accessibility https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning-and-managing/ )

@rachaelbradley @lseeman Discussion of 11 January led to agreement to add referential sentences in specific sections of Content Usable that point to WAI resources. Would it be acceptable/useful for EO to draft suggested wording for those pointer sentences within the Bus/Policy section and the Usability section?

From EOWG Survey Unaddressed Issues [UPDATED question]

Several links were added throughout the document. Maybe not all?

We have added the links agreed to in the joint chair calls and are happy to explore adding others to our developer resource pages which are outside of the document.