
Update aria-haspopup entries for MacOS to include AXPopupValue

sivakusayan opened this issue · 3 comments

Nitpicky, but I saw this bug regarding aria-haspopup and was wondering how Voiceover was making the distinction between different aria-haspopup values until I saw this commit. Should the aria-haspopup entries call out that AXPopupValue should be populated with the type of popup?

hey @sivakusayan, I'm just going through old issues that have fallen through the cracks, and you are totally correct about this. Would you be interested in opening a PR? :) No worries if not, just if you are interested!

Yeah, I let #178 fall through because I wasn't too confident in the implementation details for live regions and didn't want to accidentally give bad information, but this and #127 should be straightforward enough 🙂

The PR for this is ready, but I'm also updating the Core-AAM WPT and wasn't really where to find an ATTA I could test my change against. I'll ask someone in the Chromium slack and add the WPT PR before making the change in the AAM.

hey @sivakusayan -- there the ATTAs aren't well maintained, to the point that there isn't even anything to point to -- the "manual" core-aam tests are essentially just that -- manual. I myself just test using platform inspection tools and the ax_dump_tree tools. A colleague and I will be working on a test suite for running automated CORE-AAM tests later in the year, I'm hoping -- a forever just on the horizon project :)

That being said, an WPT core-aam test would be appreciated. Typical, I open a PR on CORE-AAM and WPT at the same time. There is a pull request template that asks for the link to WPT. I'll review both PRs :)