
[css-layout-api] Should Houdini support line break API?

FrankYFTang opened this issue · 1 comments

I am proposing an enhancement of Intl.Segmenter API (adding line break support) to TC39 for ECMA402 (see https://github.com/tc39-transfer/proposal-intl-segmenter-v2 ) The API expose "line break opportunity" of text which implement the
Unicode® Standard Annex #14 UNICODE LINE BREAKING ALGORITHM (see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/)
so it can be used for developer to use it with

  1. multitple line of text rendering in <CANVAS>
  2. jsPDF and other context which need to layout text into multiple lines
  3. SVG multiple lines of text

During the stage advancement discussion, one delegate suggest me to reach out to Houdini to see which one of the following is better

  1. Instead of adding that to ECMA402 as a low level API, leave that part of job (breaking text into multiple lines of text) to Houdini to add such API to empower developers to use it on <CANVAS>, SVG , or for jsPDF and therefore there are no need to add them into ECMA402, OR
  2. TC39 add such low level API into ECMA402 to allow developers to use that with the currently defined Houdini APIs, OR
  3. TC39 add such low level API into ECMA402 to allow Houdini to depends on Intl.Segmenter for the job of finding out lingustic line break opportunity.

Please comment so we can move forward better in TC39 / ECMA402. Thanks