
Example 8 has tableSchema referring to CSV file

mgoodhand opened this issue · 6 comments

Example 8 in section 6 of "Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web" shows a tableSchema pointing to a CSV file:

  "tableSchema": "government-spending.csv",
  "tables": [{
    "url": "http://example.org/east-sussex-2015-03.csv",
  }, {
    "url": "http://example.org/east-sussex-2015-02.csv"
  }, ...


Is this intentional?

From my reading of "Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data" section 5.3.2, I'd expect either an embedded JSON object or a string referring to a JSON file:

An object property that provides a single schema description as described in section 5.5 Schemas, used as the default for all the tables in the group. This may be provided as an embedded object within the JSON metadata or as a URL reference to a separate JSON object that is a schema description.


I think this should be government-spending.json instead of government-spending.csv, but surrounding text does indicate getting metadata from CSV files as well. I believe this was @JeniT's example, and she may remember better. It certainly wouldn't be wrong to use the JSON reference, and would be less confusing.

Summary: a separate #856 PR has been issued, based on #854 (comment).

Thanks for the prompt review and fix.

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