Coga Suggested Edit: Clarify scope
davidofyork opened this issue · 2 comments
davidofyork commented
Comment from COGA Task Force.
Perhaps in relation to #56, it has been suggested that the scope of the document is clarified to outline what is in and what is out of scope.
davidofyork commented
Feedback from COGA:
- COGA would like to stress that they were not suggesting that specific tools are named, but rather specific types of tools.
- There was a lot of confusion when COGA were reviewing earlier drafts, e.g., is Slack included? Is IRC? What about WhatsApp (if used to collaborate on)? Some members were even unsure whether GitHub was included in the scope of CTAUR.
- Collaboration functionality and assisted support is really important with a helper.
- COGA would like to see a clarification of CTAUR's scope that clearly states what type of tools are / are not included. Currently the only example provided upfront is "cloud-based office application suites", but these days "everything is a collaborative tool".
As discussed in the minutes of the 2023-12-18 COGA meeting: