
Coga Suggested Edit: Clarify use of "WYSIWYG"

davidofyork opened this issue · 3 comments

Comment from COGA Task Force.

Some concern about the use of the term "WYSIWYG" here:

"For example, word processors typically provide a "what you see is what you get" (wysiwyg) interface ..."

Suggest referring to it instead as:

"graphical text interface, sometimes known as "what you see is what you get" (wysiwyg)".

RQTF believes WYSIWYG is a well known term in among software developers, the target audience for this document. Further, RQTF notes that we provide the acronym definition on first use, as required of W3C publications.

Feedback from COGA:

  • COGA maintains that "WYSIWYG" is a "very old term" and a "meaningless term" that is not familiar to a modern audience.
  • Further, by suggesting that the term will be understood by CTAUR's target audience, it gives the impression that the target audience only includes people who have been in the industry a long time.

As discussed in the minutes of the 2023-12-18 COGA meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/12/18-coga-minutes.html

matatk commented

Janina added a glossary entry in 394b197 - this creates a link to the definition of the term where it's used in the section; you can find this in the Editor's Draft at: https://w3c.github.io/ctaur/#distinctive-features

Closing for now, as we feel that the term has been clarified.