
Changing w3c homepage doctype to html

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Archiving from my inbox for future consideration:
Thread on w3t-sys from April 2017
And May 2017 response from Mike Smith

Related to WBS redesign issue 48.
XHTML strict appears to be a requirement because of scripts updating various places on our website.

tripu commented

(Rather w3c/wbs-design#18?)

I'd say the way forward is switching to HTML5 and updating/replacing the XSLT scripts where needed; otherwise we'll be stuck with XHTML Strict in too many places, for even longer. That being said, it is true that rewriting those tools is tricky…

In the case of the home page, we can switch to HTML5 and stay alert to see what scripts break, and see if it's feasible to change the scripts instead.