
Revisit GeolocationSensor.Accuracy and Latency

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Current definition https://w3c.github.io/geolocation-sensor/#geolocationsensor-accuracy does not seem to be consistent with platform accuracy definitions: e.g. Windows (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.devices.geolocation.geocoordinate.accuracy) and Android (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Location#getAccuracy()).

One possibility is to allow implementation to return accuracy confidence level in addition to accuracy in meters: dictionary accuracy{double radius, double confidence}

To add to that, on iOS, there is the concept of horizontalAccuracy, which returns "[t]he radius of uncertainty for the geographical coordinate, measured in meters". This is part of the result of a call to requestLocation(), where you can specify the desiredAccuracy , a concept entirely absent from the current Geolocation ReadOptions.

Essentially we need to get agreement on whether we want to allow a desired accuracy and/or desired latency (which might impact the particular other) as input parameters for GeolocationSensor.read().

For the legacy API, it is suggested to first get whatever position data quickly with navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() and then to watch it in case better data comes in via navigator.geolocation.watchPosition().

For Android, the low-level location strategies are well documented. In general, it is recommended to use higher-level abstractions that automatically deal with the concrete details.

For iOS, the desired accuracy can be requested from its location manager. Unlike with Android, where a specific technology (that implies a certain accuracy) can be chosen, iOS focuses more on directly human-language accuracy (like “best for navigation”).