
Moving video.requestVideoFrameCallback spec to media WG?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I was recently asked to consider moving the video.requestVideoFrameCallback spec from WICG to the media WG.

How does the WG evaluate which specs it takes on? Could discussing this be a added to the agenda of the next media WG meeting?

Thank you!

Thanks. The Media WG's charter says that we would need to re-charter to take on a new spec. I note that other specs that are closely related to HTML elements have moved from the Media WG to WHATWG - Media Playback Quality is an example, so that's another possible avenue.

We have a WG meeting coming up Tuesday 9 November at 22:00 UTC / 14:00 US Pacific. Would this time work for you?

Yes, I will attend that meeting. Thank you!

How would you resolve all the integration points that are needed with HTML? Wouldn't you be left with very little spec once that's all addressed?

The spec also says in its body "This spec should eventually be merged into the HTML spec"

I see... This might therefore be a better fit in the HTML spec directly?

+@youennf as an FYI

Going to the HTML spec looks ok to me. WebRTC/Media WG probably will want to have their say in the exposed metadata but this can happen in HTML repo as well.

We discussed in yesterday's WG meeting and concluded that this should indeed be merged into the HTML spec.

Agreed. I am closing this issue, and will open one with the HTML WG shortly.