
The freezing in the artwork getter is broken

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In https://w3c.github.io/mediasession/#dom-mediametadata-artwork there is this step:

Call Object.freeze on image, to prevent accidental mutation by scripts.

But image is an IDL dictionary here, not a JS value, so you can't call Object.freeze on it.

Maybe this means to say that you convert the dictionary to a JS object, then freeze it? That would be a viable option if this is the defined behavior, but then the artwork attribute should return FrozenArray<object>, because when you're creating the FrozenArray it's done from a list of objects, not a list of MediaImage dictionaries.

How does this spec imagine people change metadata? It would help if the examples showed this.

Here's what I get in Chrome:

navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({artist:"Ƭ̵̬̊", artwork:[{src:"A.png"}]})
navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artist = "Prince"
navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artwork[0].src = "B.png"
navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artist // Prince
navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artwork[0].src // "http://example.com/A.png"

artwork[0].src was not updated. That seems to spec and broken. How do I change artwork?

The other thing that's odd is there's no way to add or remove artwork. How do I do that?

If things are meant to be changed solely through the constructor, I'd make MediaImage an interface, and all attributes readonly.

Or make MediaImage an interface and remove the freezing, and support

navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artwork[0].src = "B.png"

So there are two different issues here:

  1. By the behavior defined in the current spec, the artwork in MediaMetadata must be FrozenArray<object> rather than FrozenArray<MediaImage>, so the item in the artwork can be frozen.
  2. We probably should make MediaImage be an interface instead of dictionary