
Wide review for Pointer Events 3

Opened this issue · 10 comments

See also How to do Wide Review for additional instructions.

apologies, after TPAC i got sucked into a whole series of client engagements and droppped the ball...will look at this more closely in the coming weeks

With monstrous delay, I am now (that we sorted out what at first seemed like a small thing, but turned out to touch on all sorts of Shadow DOM etc aspect) looking at this. @plehegar reading over the "How to do Wide Review" document, I noticed this as the first step

You must publish an updated technical report, with the Status of the Document indicating clearly that you're looking for wide review, before inviting review from other stakeholders. Our tooling monitors publications and propagates notifications to public-review-announce@w3.org automatically (for example, Candidate Recommendation Snapshot: Payment Request API (Call for Wide Review)).

Could you provide me with a hint of how/what exactly I need to do to the status in the document? I assume I need to change something in the respec metadata? Or somewhere else?

In index.html, add the following to section#abstract :

  <p>This document is ready for wide review. Comments are welcome at any time but most especially before 1 April 2024.

You probably want to change that date :)

Then commit/merge and it will get published automatically.

Thank you @plehegar ... done https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/blob/gh-pages/index.html#L68

I should have been more explicit. That sentence needed to be added to the SOTD section, not the abstract....

@plehegar Doh, my bad. I should have inferred that, looking at it now. Fixed 77680fb

And just to check, is there a specific template or phrasing to use to notify the groups? Or is a simple (to paraphrase) "Hey, we'd appreciate a review, ideally before X" enough?

Automated email that went out on the public-review-announce mailing list https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-review-announce/2024Mar/0003.html

I saw the WR announcement this morning, but I18N is not in receipt of a review request. Just a reminder not to wait before doing your horizontal reviews. Instructions are here in the Guide.

@aphillips yes sorry, i've not been through the various groups to explicitly request review yet (and wasn't quite clear what the automated email thing would or wouldn't trigger directly)

Still waiting for security and privacy reviews. @plehegar I assume we can't proceed without these? or is it possible to set the wheels in motion already, despite the lack of reviews?