
Proof Market Incorporated / Tony Rose Supports the W3C LDS WG

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Proof Market is focused on the development of User Experience and Customer Experience leveraging the latest technology in Decentralized Digital Identity. In the past year our focus on MedCreds in order to alleviate the effects of the pandemic and the lockdown have sent us deep down the verifiable credential representation technologies (JSON, XML, etc.)

Our experience as developers is that further work to standardize on data representation that supports rich use cases, ZKPs, and linked data sets will accelerate our ability to deploy real solution into the world that interoperate with an ecosystem of solution providers.

We support this working group charter and are excited to participate in BUIDLing the future of digital identity.

Dear @tonyrose023,
the proposed charter has been substantially changed since you submitted your expression of support. More specifically, its scoped has been narrowed down, to address some concerns raised in the Semantic Web community. See also Ivan Herman's explanation of those changes on the SebWeb mailing list.

We kindly ask you to review the new version, and either

  • renew your expression of interest (by a simple reply to this thread), or
  • to close this issue if you do not wish to renew it.

Thanks in advance
