
Example 14 (in 12.2.1 Best Practice 4) - no longer available

PeterParslow opened this issue · 8 comments

The links in Example 14 return an HTTP 404 JSON object. It appears that the Dutch Nationaal georegister has moved, perhaps to https://www.pdok.nl/ and no longer has a WFS for "wijkenbuurten2016"

However, this may only be temporary, as the same WFS endpoint is still advertised (within a PDF) on https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/dossier/nederland-regionaal/cartografische-toegang/geoservices-bij-het-cbs

Suggest: get advice from NL or switch to a different example WFS (if we're retaining WFS examples!)

There's been an update in the dataset and the URL turns out not to be persistent. 2016 is the year the dataset was published. The new URL is:


But do we still want WFS examples in the BP?

situx commented

I would prefer an OGC API Features endpoint if one is available.

So would I, but I'm afraid in NL there are no production-level OGC API Feature endpoints yet (that I know of). My suggestion then is to change to a different example.

We (Meteorological Service of Canada) have production OGC API (Features/Coverages/Processes/etc.) endpoints. Happy to jump in if this helps.

situx commented

@tomkralidis that would be great. Could you suggest an example for us?

For Features, British Geological Survey have our 625k geology production service setup if you'd like to use this - https://ogcapi.bgs.ac.uk/collections/BGSGeology625kBedrock

We'll be adding further collections shortly + OGCAPI-Tiles

@tomkralidis that would be great. Could you suggest an example for us?

Sure. I'll issue a PR in the next few days.

PR in #1353. Happy to add more examples if desired.