
Stems without anchor

rettinghaus opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm not quite sure what is expected to happen if a glyph has no anchor points for stems in the metadata. Should then the origin act as "fallback", or should notation programs simply refuse to draw a stem.

Maybe this could be clarified in the Implementation notes for the Noteheads range.

Refers to steinbergmedia/bravura#67

I don't think the whole (semibreve) and double whole (breve) noteheads should have stem anchors, since they don't ever show stems.

Appropriate noteheads for longas and maximas are found here. However, at the present time those glyphs do not have any stem attachments defined in Bravura, though there is no reason why (in terms of the specification) that they should not, if font designers choose to do so.

I don't think the whole (semibreve) and double whole (breve) noteheads should have stem anchors, since they don't ever show stems.

I'm not sure I fully understand you. Are you saying SMuFL doesn't allow longas in modern notation? Why is then restLonga available? A longa note is a breve notehead with a stem. And I'm not sure it it is pleasant for the eye to mix modern with renaissance notation. Also then you'll loose the ability to use 'modern style' longas:

But back to the initial question here: in Bravura the mensuralNoteheadMaximaWhite and mensuralNoteheadLongaWhite noteheads do not have any anchor points. Does this mean that the vertical position of the stems should be at the center of the glyph (i.e. the glyph origin)? If the answer is yes, I think that this should be mentioned in the Implementation notes.

Just to document a usage of mensuralNoteheadMaximaWhite in common practice music, Robert Schumann uses them in Carnaval Op. 9 between movements 8 and 9. Clara said they were not to be played.

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