
Data format(s)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Structural notes

  • JSON - of course
  • item content fields
  • item filter fields
  • shared between the lists
  • no need for a formal schema
  • persistence
    • file in git
    • single tree for all submissions?
    • or object per submission?


  • submission / update - see another issue
  • fields added or changed
    • how show in UI if undefined
  • schema version change and update
  • backend data cleansing process?

Courses List

Various JSON files

Evaluation tools List

Authoring tools List


Front end would prefer single file as simple to fetch() or inline and then and process - up to some maximum size.

Submission process probably better with separate files so each has own history.

So would need a website build step to combine files into single tree. Possibly included in the HTML file in a script tag to avoid second fetch.

Merged into #6