
WAI Website Theme Components Support

Opened this issue · 2 comments

What additions to the WAI Website Theme components will be useful?

  • Filters - need component for language that is easy use- how handle big list?
  • Keywords - closed list, open field, order
  • Sort list by date or alphabetlical ? Nicetohave
  • Pagination? Discuss
  • Styles in WAI.
  • ?Display content in grid in safari - https://caniuse.com/?search=display%20contents

Checkbox form element (https://wai-website-theme.netlify.app/components/form/elements/)
Action: @SteveALee to add theme feature to check one or more check box in fields set is required

Added to the form shortcode

Resource link / info button

@leticiaseixas is checking with shawn if using <details> is OK rather than tool tip etc.