
Flyout Menu Approach 2 Attributes?

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm so sorry for my confusion, but I'm not sure I'm following some of the old issues correctly. It may also be possible I'm not looking at the correct version of the tutorial.

First, if I'm reading the code correctly on https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/menus/flyout/, it looks like #303 is still an issue. I think the first flyout menu always has set to aria-expanded=false, and the second fly out menu example always has aria-expanded=true.

Second, as I'm rereading #522, I thought the decision was made to avoid aria-haspopup:

I think has-popup on the anchor would be misleading as the anchor itself has no popup but the adjacent button has.
But when I check the tutorial, the attributes are still there. Am I misreading the issue? Was their a decision made either way?

Thanks so much, and sorry I'm a bit lost.

yatil commented

First, if I'm reading the code correctly on https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/menus/flyout/, it looks like #303 is still an issue. I think the first flyout menu always has set to aria-expanded=false, and the second fly out menu example always has aria-expanded=true.

I don’t see that happening, I have just double checked and looked at the web inspector and it seems to work for me just fine when using the keyboard to open/close fly-outs.

Second, as I'm rereading #522, I thought the decision was made to avoid aria-haspopup:

Yes, that should not be the case.

Ah, I see the issue re: aria-expanded. I was only inspecting with mouse hover. I wasn't checking keyboard functionality. Thank you so much for your kind help.