
New rule: Scrollable element is keyboard accessible

WilcoFiers opened this issue · 6 comments

The ACT-Rules community group has completed work on {{rule name}}. We would like to see this rule be added to the WCAG ruleset. You can find the rule here:

Rule title: Scrollable element is keyboard accessible
Rule id: 0ssw9k
Link to the rule: https://act-rules.github.io/rules/0ssw9k
License: W3C Software And Document Notice And License

  • QualWeb
  • SortSite

If you'd like to contact me, please e-mail me at wilcofiers@deque.com. You can also reach me on the W3C Community Slack, my name there is Wilco Fiers

Survey is open until 8 October.

Looks like some things needed updating. Discussed survey results during the following meetings:

Updates were done a while ago. Apologies for missing this. Since this predates our policy of editorial changes going directly to CFC this is going to have to go on the agenda again.

I mislabeled this one. I think we need to touch on this update on the next call, and decide if we want it on another survey, or if it can go to CFC.

Rule is in CFC until Feb 16th

I'm not sure whether appropriate to ask questions here.

For display dynamic content in a overflow: auto element, how to controls the accessible (maybe tabindex)?


  • Some default closed details elements , box element don't show the scrollbar, the scrollbar displays when they are opened.
  • Box element don't show the scrollbar when browser maximize, how about responsive?

Should I must add a resize listener to update the accessible state?