Project Task: Set up AG WG sixth round review
maryjom opened this issue · 0 comments
maryjom commented
- Make sure AG WG leadership is aware of upcoming review material
- Introduce the upcoming review in an AG WG meeting (date to be designated by the AG chairs)
- Open an issue for each SC in the last group of 5 SC in the WCAG2ICT GitHub space. Format the content in the issue as follows:
- Title starts with "AG WG Review:" @@ SC number and shortname@@ WCAG2ICT Guidance (Example: AG WG Review: 1.1.1 Non-text Content WCAG2ICT Guidance)
- In the issue, add content in the same format as found in Issue #369 and update for the SC or content being reviewed
- Be sure to point out if there is also a definition to review
- Add 'Please review' label to each issue
- Add Milestone 'AG WG Review 6' to each issue
- Edit the milestone with the due date for the review
- Write an email with link to the group of open issues (using the label tag) and send to the AG WG. Be sure to include a due date (a week minimum)
- Be sure there is a scheduled AG WG meeting day to go over results of the review so there can be a resolution to accept the content.