CSS Scoping; :has-slotted
Closed this issue · 1 comments
keithamus commented
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of :has-slotted
The :has-slotted pseudo-class matches slot elements which have a non-empty list of slotted nodes. When :has-slotted matches a slot with fallback content, we can conclude that the fallback content is not being displayed.
- Explainer¹:https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping-1/#the-has-slotted-pseudo
- Specification:https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping-1/#the-has-slotted-pseudo
- WPT Tests: https://wpt.fyi/results/css/css-scoping?label=experimental&label=master&aligned
- User research:
- Security and Privacy self-review²:
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts
- Primary contacts:
- Keith Cirkel (@keithamus), Microsoft/GitHub, Implementer
- Lea Verou (@LeaVerou), W3C Invited Expert, Specifier
- Organization/project driving the specification: Font Awesome / GitHub ?
- Multi-stakeholder support³:
- Chromium comments:
- Mozilla comments: mozilla/standards-positions#1079
- WebKit comments: WebKit/standards-positions#404
- {{...include feedback/review from developers, implementers, civil society, and others}}
- Status/issue trackers for implementations⁴:
Further details:
- I have reviewed the TAG's Web Platform Design Principles
- Relevant time constraints or deadlines:
- The group where the work on this specification is currently being done:
- The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done (if different from the current group):
- Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this specification:
- This work is being funded by:
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jyasskin commented
We discussed this in a breakout today and we don't see any architectural concerns with this, so we're happy for this to move forwards. Thank you!