
Suggest using the omni-node

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This is a bit of a moving target, so I expect some details with the omni-node to change, but it woudl be great if we can already use it in some of our tutorials.

@CrackTheCode016 mentioned in https://forum.polkadot.network/t/polkadot-parachain-omni-node-gathering-ideas-and-feedback/7823/4?u=kianenigma that it is fully possible to run a parachain with the omni node.

In the meantime, I am standardizing the usage in PBA. An example is: https://github.com/Polkadot-Blockchain-Academy/polkadot-sdk-assignment-template.

The general flow, to recap, is:

cargo install staging-chain-spec-builder

then, from a runtime template, you generate the .wasm file

then, you pass the runtime to the chain spec builder to generate the full chain spec

then you pass the chain spec file to omni node with --chain

Agreed, do you mean for stuff like template to core type guides?

(I don't seem to have access to the PBA repo btw)

Both are actually as simple as using cargo install - including the polkadot-parachain (from the Polkadot SDK repo) binary for now. When omninode is a published we can update as needed

When omninode is a published we can update as needed

Current Polkadot Wiki refers to polkadot-parachain-bin binary when it comes to deploying the parachain-template. Our user journey docs mention a different story (focused on polkadot-omni-node-bin only). Would be great to use polkadot-omni-node and omni-node related tools instead of polkadot-parachain here too: https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/build-guides-template-basic, to be consistent in user journey stories between the two doc locations.

I also opened this draft PR paritytech/polkadot-sdk#6372 (more as a placeholder) and to sync it with the wiki once the work is started.

BTW, are we planning to start the wiki update as soon as the release candidate branch/artifacts/crates publishing is done? From my understanding this should happen over the course of the week and be done EOW or early next week.

Either way just wanted to bring here some context for aligning purposes.