
Failed to query

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npx pwned


pwned ba <account|email> get all breaches for an account (username or email address)
pwned breach get a single breached site by breach name
pwned breaches get all breaches in the system
pwned dc get all data classes in the system
pwned pa get all pastes for an account (email address)
pwned pw securely check a password for public exposure
pwned search <account|email> search breaches and pastes for an account (username or email

-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]

Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1

npx pwned breach xxxx.com

✖ (0 , _hibp.breach) is not a function

pwned ba xxxx@gmail.com

✖ (0 , _hibp.breachedAccount) is not a function

Thanks, investigating.

This should be resolved now, thank you for the bug report @shaolinint.