
IP(?) block

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After the first query I got:

$ npx pwned ba mail@example.com
npx: installed 85 in 9.007s
✖ Request blocked, contact haveibeenpwned.com if this continues (Ray ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-BUD)

Maybe I'm really blocked? That was my first try :) If yes, I'm gonna reach hibp directly.

Hey @Peneheals - it's not yet clear why, but yes, it appears like you are actually blocked. That same command works fine for me.

Out of curiosity, could you try npx pwned pa mail@example.com and see if that works? I think the blocking rules are tighter on the breachedaccount endpoint, which affects pwned ba and pwned search but not the other commands.

You are right, sir:

$ npx pwned pa mail@example.com
npx: installed 85 in 5.061s
  Id:         http://balockae.online/files/BlackMarketReloaded_users.sql
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  Title:      balockae.online
  Date:       null
  EmailCount: 10547
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  Source:     Pastebin
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So it looks like everything is "working as intended". I'm closing the issue and get in touch with Troy.