A project consisting of many small services that connect to each other.
To use it you need to have:
- Docker with minimal version v20.10.13
- you can follow this guide to update Docker
- this guide also covers installing Docker Compose Plugin
- Docker Compose Plugin
sudo apt update sudo apt install docker-compose-plugin
- more information in this guide
With this you can run
docker compose up
# or to run in the background
docker compose up -d
If you are going to build stuff when the local changes are not commited, then I suggest changing the skaffold config to have this param:
ignoreChanges: true
If you don't add it, you will see some images with 'tag-dirty'. Just saying :P
Build & run instructions:
# first build all images
skaffold build -d gcr.io/dynatrace-demoability/easytrade -t latest
# check the new build tag with
docker images
# start the containers with one of
docker compose up
docker compose up -d
# stop the execution wth CTRL+C if you did not use '-d' option
# stop & remove the containers with
docker compose down
Endpoint | Service |
/ |
Frontend |
/accountservice |
AccountService |
/broker-service |
BrokerService |
/credit-card-order-service |
CreditCardOrderService |
/engine |
Engine |
/feature-flag-service |
FeatureFlagService |
/loginservice |
LoginService |
/manager |
Manager |
/offerservice |
OfferService |
/pricing-service |
PricingService |
/third-party-service |
ThirdPartyService |
After starting the docker compose you will be able to visit the folowing services:
- localhost -> a working properly react frontend
- localhost:1433 -> can be used to connect to the DB
- localhost:8081/swagger -> Manager - has direct access to DB and exposes many REST endpoints to communicated with the DB. localhost/manager/swagger
- localhost:8082 -> RabbitMQ managment site. The credentials are userxxx/passxxx by default.
- localhost:8083/swagger/index.html -> Pricing service swagger endpoints localhost/pricing-service/swagger/index.html
- localhost:8084/swagger -> Broker service swagger endpoints
localhost/broker-service/swagger - localhost:8086/swagger -> Login service swagger endpoints
localhost/loginservice/swagger - localhost:8087 -> Offer service. The endpoints can be found in project's README file
- localhost:8089/api/swagger-ui/ -> Account service swagger endpoint
localhost/accountservice/api/swagger-ui/ - localhost:8090/api/swagger-ui/ -> Engine swagger endpoint
localhost/engine/api/swagger-ui/ - localhost:8091/swagger-ui/index.html -> Credit card order service swagger endpoint
localhost/credit-card-order-service/swagger-ui/index.html - localhost:8093/swagger-ui/index.html -> Third party service swagger endpoint localhost/third-party-service/swagger-ui/index.html
- localhost:8094/swagger-ui/index.html -> Feature flag service swagger endpoint
Don't use this service:
- localhost:8092 -> in docker dev mode this should be the frontend
EasyTrade network trafic is handled by REST requests using mostly JSON payloads. However, some of the services
can also handle XML requests. Data types are negotiated based on Accept
and Content-Type
Service | Accepted XML MIME types | Endpoints called with XML as default content type |
LoginService | application/xml ; text/xml ; application/*+xml |
/v1/orders/{id}/status/latest |
CreditCardOrderService | application/xml |
/api/Login ; /api/Logout ; /api/Signup |
OfferService | application/xml ; text/xml |
/v1/prices/instrument/{instrumentId} |
PricingService | application/xml |
/api/offers/{id} (called from Aggregator Service) |
Modify DB connection strings in compose.yaml.
Replace {HOST}
, {PORT}
, {USER}
with your external database data.
JAVA_CONNECTION_STRING: &java-connection-string jdbc:sqlserver://{HOST}:{PORT};database=TradeManagement;user={USER};password={PASSWORD};encrypt=false;trustServerCertificate=false;loginTimeout=30;
DOTNET_CONNECTION_STRING: &dotnet-connection-string Data Source={HOST},{PORT};Initial Catalog=TradeManagement;Persist Security Info=True;User ID={USER};Password={PASSWORD};TrustServerCertificate=true
GO_CONNECTION_STRING: &go-connection-string sqlserver://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}:{PORT}?database=TradeManagement&connection+encrypt=false&connection+TrustServerCertificate=false&connection+loginTimeout=30
To disable default MSSQL container, remove db
service from compose.yaml.
Modify DB connection string in ConfigMap in connection-strings.yaml.
Replace {HOST}
, {PORT}
, {USER}
with your external database data.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: connection-strings
JAVA_CONNECTION_STRING: jdbc:sqlserver://{HOST}:{PORT};database=TradeManagement;user={USER};password={PASSWORD};encrypt=false;trustServerCertificate=false;loginTimeout=30;
DOTNET_CONNECTION_STRING: Data Source={HOST},{PORT};Initial Catalog=TradeManagement;Persist Security Info=True;User ID={USER};Password={PASSWORD};TrustServerCertificate=true
GO_CONNECTION_STRING: sqlserver://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}:{PORT}?database=TradeManagement&connection+encrypt=false&connection+TrustServerCertificate=false&connection+loginTimeout=30
To disable default MSSQL container, delete the db.yaml file.