
MIT License

jlarmstrongiv opened this issue ยท 6 comments

obelisk, the original package cairn is based on, is licensed under the MIT license.

monolith, which obelisk is based on, is licensed under CC0 (public domain).

Would you consider a less restrictive license?

Thanks for opening this issue. We should be by to give feedback soon. In the meantime, please check out the contributing guidelines.

In the beginning, licensing wasn't a big concern for us and we've just gone straight to licensing the project-template. We reconsidered and decided to change the cairn and other base libraries to a less restrictive licence, and this change will happen gradually.


What are the steps to relicensing this library? Which permissive license do you prefer?

It seems to me:

  • The original project template may also need to be relicensed https://github.com/wabarc/project-template
  • As you are the only contributor according to github insights on both repos, you have all the necessary rights to re-license one or both projects
  • PRs to both repos with a new license and your approval should resolve this issue

Switching to a less restrictive license would require a review of any existing dependent licenses and create a license checking workflow. Fortunately, the wabarc/.github repository already contains such a workflow, making it an ideal choice for this change.

I want to change the existing workflow in this repository to the wabarc/.github repository to incorporate a license workflow, in order to streamline the workflow upgrade process and minimize the amount of effort required. With the work nearly complete, the final testing is all that remains before you can change the license, it's time to change the certificates and release a major version!

The original project template may also need to be relicensed https://github.com/wabarc/project-template



Thank you @waybackarchiver ๐ŸŽ‰