
media-gfx/freecad-0.18.5 fails

chl-repo opened this issue · 7 comments

Building freecad-0.18.5 failed for me several times during configuration, with the message
"CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:218 (message):
Could NOT find Coin3D (missing: COIN3D_INCLUDE_DIRS)"

Applying freecad-0.18.4-0001-Fix-coin-related-variables-to-use-new-naming-from-4.0.0.patch solved the problem.

Maybe this patch should also be included in the freecad-0.18.5 ebuild.

Please let me know if you need further information or other help as e.g. testing.


Hello @chl-repo, which version of coin do you have installed, and from which repo? I had a lot of builds during development due to some failures, but it never failed on coin.
Also could you please give a little more context, especially from which file(s) the failing cmake module has been called (often listed in the lines around the error message).

I have coin-4.0.0 from your repo installed.

For freecad, vtk and med python_single_target_python3_7 is set.

Moreover, I attach the build.log.

Thanks, the problem is probably the coin ebuild from my overlay. It's obsolete and the ::gentoo ebuild should be used instead. Guess, I need to remove the one from my overlay. Could you please try coin from ::gentoo and see if that works?

Hi waebbl,

coin::gentoo works. It has however the disadvantage that it does not work with latest cmake.

Many thanks for your swift reaction and support.

Oh, I wasn't aware of this. My last build of coin was back in August.
If you like, you can check b.g.o for this issue and see if it was already reported or open a bug report there if not.

I'm closing this issue then. Feel free to re-open if the issue persists.