
It seems that fifteen_api.py is outdated

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, recently I have tried to run the file fifteen_api.py locally, and I got this error:

ValueError: [15API]Error: can't find characters data in app js. Most likely, the format has changed and requires updating the code.

So I thought that the code was made for working with previous versions of the app.XXXXXXXX.js file, then I went to https://web.archive.org/ and got some of the old versions of the app.XXXXXXXX.js file, and then I forced fifteen_api.py to use them, that fixed the previous error, but it gave me a new error:

ValueError: [15API]Error while parsing app js. Most likely, the format has changed and requires updating the code.

I get the same error^^

Thank you for noticing, I'm on it.
I will also make parsing the list of characters optional, as it's... actually should be optional.

On the other hand, handling the JS file was a big mistake. I removed that part of the code.
This will not affect the main functionality, just from now on the script will not show the list of characters and will not validate the name and emotion of the character before sending the request.

Names and emotions of the characters can be obtained at https://fifteen.ai/app as always.


Please check that it works now, thanks