
Slack invite link no longer active

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hey there!

Not sure where the right place to raise this issue this, but it seems the slack invite link is no longer active:


I tried sending a DM over twitter, as well, but figured the visibility on GitHub wouldn't hurt. If this isn't the right place to point this out, please feel free to close!

hrmmmmm this is via slackin? you get an invite link, but then it's expired?

Ah, no, sorry, this is in reference to the shared invite direct link from the website:

We're still working on getting a new invite link.

In the meanwhile, please send your email in a comment here and mention @andytuba, or send your email in a DM to 🐦 @wafflejs.

Also, let's update the several "join us on Slack" links to "DM twitter.com/WaffleJS with your email to request an invite". (Feel free to submit a PR, yall!)

@andytuba The slack link still doesnt work

We've migrated to Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mq3k5Jh

(yes, that needs updated on the site)

I've updated the site to link to the Discord instead of Slack. Thanks for bumping this!