
Call for Speakers: April 2020 - APRIL FOOLS!

jewel-andraia opened this issue · 1 comments

We're looking for speakers for our meetup!

How do I submit a talk?
You can either comment on this issue or send us an email at talks@wafflejs.com.

When and where will it be?
When: Wednesday, April 1 from 7 to 10 PM.
Where: Online

What should I talk about?
For April 1st, pick your favorite Wikipedia article!

Do I need to be an expert to talk?
Nope. This meetup is supposed to be fun and casual, so we want everyone to participate. We especially encourage people of underrepresented groups to apply.

How long should my talk be?
Seven minutes. There won't be any formal Q&A.
(This is less than the usual ten minutes, to facilitate more speakers.)

What should be in my talk submission?
We don’t have a strict formula for this either, but past successful submissions have included the following:

  • What the audience should take away from the talk
  • Why you’re excited about the subject
  • A general outline of your talk (bullet points are good)

If you only have a rough idea, we’re also happy to workshop your idea with you on our Slack channel (#wafflejs).

Do I have to buy a ticket if I get selected?
Nope! You'll get a free ticket.

What's the A/V situation?
We'll have a projector and a mic for you to use. Let us know if you need any fancy adapters (we'll have some Apple ones).

Your slides must be made accessible to @visnup via web or Keynote/PowerPoint. This is to facilitate quickly switching between many speakers.

Can I submit a talk for a thing I made, for either myself or my employer?
Generally, no. We've found that when people give talks about a thing they made, it comes off as self-promotional. We'll make exceptions for this though, especially when it's less about the thing, but rather lessons learned by making the thing.

still looking for speakers!