
It Does Not Reacts to the Orientation of my Android Phone

NgYueHong opened this issue · 5 comments


I tried visiting to http://matthew.wagerfield.com/parallax/ using my Android 7.1 phone on up to date Google Chrome browser, but the scene does not react to the orientation of my phone at all.

Same here - script do not work on mobile device (at least on android)

xjure commented

It doesn't work on iOS either. Neither on Chrome or Safari.

wil93 commented

This demo page works: https://mdn.mozillademos.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Detecting_device_orientation$samples/Orientation_example

The page mentioned in the first comment here, does not.

(I'm using the same Chrome browser for both URLs)

UPDATE: it works, actually. The problem is that the link posted in the first comment is on HTTP but it must be on HTTPS in order to work.