This is a simple CRUD made with NodeJS + MongoDB + Serverless.
These are the list of things that you need to do before you can install this API in your local. Please check in your own local machine whether you already have the tools or not. Feel free to install if you don't have it.
- Make sure you already have serverless in your local machine.
- To make it easier, you can install serverless-offline plugin in your local machine.
- Make sure you have postman in your local machine to test the API using HTTP Request
- clone this project with running
git clone
- go inside the project
cd crud-nodejs-serverless
- install the needed packages with running npm command
npm install
- Once the installation done, you can run the application easily with
## If you are willing to run and deploy
serverless deploy
## OR
## If you want to run it in your local using serverless-offline
serverless offline start
- Once the application running you can using postman to test the API using HTTP Request. You can check it under http://localhost:3000
- You can also download the sample collection from here. Then you can import it to your own Postman