
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InvalidClientError in google OAuth

Closed this issue · 3 comments

hi, i'm trying to set up authentication with google but the library throws me an InvalidClientError exception calling the auth / convert-token service.
As per documentation, I entered the values self-generated by django admin in the client_id and client_secret parameters.
What can be the problem? My configuration error?


Hi @simo-berto98.
Please, see if this #38 helps you.

Hi @simo-berto98. Please, see if this #38 helps you.

@wagnerdelima thanks for the reply.
I have already seen this issue and have followed the steps below.
Despite this, the error occurs to me


Sorry for the language of the screenshot but I have google in Italian. The applicatio is a Web application and i put the key as secret and client id as OATUH key

@simo-berto98 can you try the newest versions of drf-social-oauth2? I believe this might be solved. Otherwise, please follow the standard way of create issues, explaining how to replicate it.
