
wget return 302

tochitopor opened this issue · 8 comments

wget https://github.com/wagoodman/dive/releases/download/v0.9.2/dive_0.9.2_linux_amd64.deb
--2023-01-26 11:57:41-- https://github.com/wagoodman/dive/releases/download/v0.9.2/dive_0.9.2_linux_amd64.deb
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found

Latest version is v.0.10.0 tho

same thing

wget https://github.com/wagoodman/dive/releases/download/v0.10.0/dive_0.10.0_linux_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./dive_0.10.0_linux_amd64.deb
--2023-01-26 12:15:23-- https://github.com/wagoodman/dive/releases/download/v0.10.0/dive_0.10.0_linux_amd64.deb
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found

No idea, tried it in a ubuntu container and it completed successfully.

Does wget download the file?

dive_0.10.0_linux_amd64.deb.4 0%[ ] 0 --.-KB/s in 0s

Alright, so it's a networking issue.

Are you behind a VPN, or in a country that has internet limitations or something of sorts?

Can you wget anything off of the internet?

You are right. I can't download anything.
I use virtual box. Could it be because of this?

Could be.

Do you have internet access inside the machine at all?

In any case, it's not a dive issue.

I have internet. I can clone this project, for example.
Thanx. I close issue and resolve this problem.